Getting home from surgery

Happy Monday!

My weekend was super busy, Chase (my son) had a cough and runny nose and only had a half day day on Friday, so I kept him home from school. We had a mommy & chase day and I took him to see the Lego Movie 2 at the theater. We loved that movie!! and then chase by Sunday was THROWING UP. SO he’s home from school today, and I have been cleaning the house and doing laundry.

Sorry about the many days without posting!!

Back to my cancer story..SO i had been released back home. Still bandaged up. I Don’t have a lot of memories of the first few weeks following surgery (hole in my brain guys haha). I remember getting home and seeing a welcome home mommy sign made by my kids. I remember feeling very happy seeing the sign. I immediately went to bed. My mom and hubby will tell you my energy was very low. They would have to wake me up so I would drink some water or eat something or take medicine. I was taking medicine about 3 times a day. My mom would be home all day with be because at the time my youngest, Aria, was not in school yet. My mom would come lay in my bed with me and we would watch TV. She said my language was still pretty limited. I would only respond with one or two word answers. She made sure to talk to me though, so thanks mom 🙂

Again my memory is not great of this time frame but most of my memory is how helpful my hubby and my parents and my bestie Kelly were with everything.

I had to go downtown and have everything looked at about 2 weeks post surgery and make sure it all looked good.

The main nurse for Dr Chandler took off my bandages and we got a look at how my staples looked and some care instruction for my staples.

Doctor came in and told me they did the biopsy on my tumor and to their surprise it was a grade three anaplastic astrocytoma. It was cancerous.

Now if you don’t know about how they rate brain tumors it is different from other cancers. Grade 1 & 2 are benign brain tumors while grade 3 & 4 are cancerous brain tumors.

My doctor said it was barely a grade 3, they must’ve caught it very very early. My emotions were sort of gone at this point like i said, I was still so tired and so out of it. Not my normal self. I just remember saying “okay”.

My husband didn’t seem scared to me he seemed tough. Only recently did he confide to me that he was scared out of his mind when they told me the news.

They informed us that I would be doing radiation and chemotherapy.

Now my son had only seen me with bandages on, and I was going to come home with a bunch of staples on my head. My mom talked to chase about what I would look like. He asked to see a picture, which my hubby sent over to her. He had a tough reaction, but it was smart of him to ask to see because I had no idea he even noticed it at all when I got home.


I was now on a whole new journey, not just recovery, but beating cancer.



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