
Hey! Happy Monday guys!!

I want you to know I am probably going to have set days that I post after I get through my cancer story of the past year. Also, that all of my posts wont always be about cancer. I will vary the topics!

SO where we left off was learning that I would be having surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. I woke up nervous but not scared that morning. We had to leave pretty early in the day to head downtown. I had to have a MRI done and couldn’t eat anything since dinner the night before.

I remember getting in the gown and hospital socks and and almost shaking. Probably from hunger a little bit, but also from nerves. This older woman sat across from me, and as I have social anxiety sometimes I try to avoid talking with random people. I looked away from her, but she still said, “Hi, How are you?” and I said “I’m doing okay, how are you?” She told me about her medical history, more than I wanted to know, but her demeanor was so nice and calming. I didn’t feel as nervous while talking to her. I opened up to her about my upcoming surgery for later that day and she had such encouraging things to say. She said that I seemed very strong, and that I could get through this. A nurse came in the waiting area, and called out my name. The woman sitting by me wished me luck and said she would pray for me.

I wish she knew how much help she was for me that day. I don’t think I would have gone into surgery as calm as I did, without here help.

MRI was pretty boring, then they led me to a hospital room in the surgery ward. I had to hang out there until they were ready to take me back for surgery. My husband was there with me. My mother in law was so helpful to watch my two kids so my parents could come up and see me before surgery. Also, my best friend since I was like 13 (known her since probably 11 though!) came downtown to see me and sit with my family while I was in surgery.

Nurses Came in and out checking vitals and having me get in a new gown (one from the surgery ward). Various doctors came in preparing me for what was going to happen.

I had little circles placed on various spots on my head. (Shown in picture)

I asked my husband to take my picture, I wanted him to document this experience. Again, feeling like surgery wasn’t the only hurdle I would be facing.

My parents and brother and my best friend all gave me a hug. They told me they loved me, and that they would see me after.

When the nurse came in, Arthur (my hubby) kissed me and said things I don’t remember specifically. Definitely that he loved me.

I remember feeling calm as they rolled me into the surgical room. I met all the nurses who would be in the room/assisting with the procedure. They moved me onto the surgical table. Much of this is a blur.

I remember the huge tv screens. It said my name on them. I felt so nervous at this point. The time was coming. THIS could be my last conscious moment. I started wondering about the kids. Thankfully this is when they put the breathing mask on me to administer my anesthesia. They had me take a few deep breaths, and count backwards from twenty.

and that is when I think I blacked out by 12.


Ashleypre surgery

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